BGI, as part of its CSR Initiatives, during the year 2013, stepped into another milestone in the field of “Education”.
For the first time, it announced a “Special Cash Award” to the “School Toppers” in 10th Standard and in 12th Standard (in Science and Commerce Subjects) in the Government Higher Secondary School situated in Komal Village and the School Toppers were honored with these Awards.
For the Academic Year 2018-19, the following students have come out with flying colours as ” School Toppers”:
10th Standard : Selvi S. Karthika :
She has secured 429 out of 500 Marks
12th Standard : Science Group : Master R Praveen :
He has secured 455 out of 600 Marks
Arts Group : Selvi S. Sivasankari :
She has secured 461 out of 600 Marks
In the year 2019, the above Students were honoured with the “Special Cash Award” and the Award was given to them in the presence of the Head Master of the School and the Parents during the gathering of Students for Morning Prayer in the School at 9.15 hrs.